A game that gets rid of bugs with effects Cypher and Sova seem to have been dropped from VALORANT’s newest agent, Astra.

One player posted a video last night showing Astra’s irregularities, which “marked” them uncontrollable AGENT after leaving Astral. Software engineer Riot Nu commented on Twitter, claiming that Devs was following the issue.

Once in Astral form, the Astra can place stars that she can transform into smoke or gravity wells. But an unidentified interaction seems to affect AGENT movement after returning to normal first person-mode and removing the mouse and keyboard functions.

While this could be a new bug to the Astra and sometimes it is plaguing VALORANT. Other agents who give up physical control to use abilities, Cypher using Spycam or Sova using his Owl Owl Drone may also create Bugs.

This bug fix was first listed in VALORANT Patch 2.02, but it does not seem to work. Riot devs are continuing their efforts to address this.