Former League of Legends pro player Scarra once again chimed in on the discussion about the current state of the LCS and outlined the esport could be saved by re-enabling duo queue in Master+ ranking.

The 33-year-old participated in a show match on June 1, organized by Disguised Toast. It saw many LCS legends reunite. After the match, the OfflineTV co-founder claimed Riot Games needs to once again enable duo queue above Masters ranking in North America if it wants skilled players to continue playing the game.

“First way to save North America [in League]. … We want people to play, and if you want your top players to play, you need to re-enable duo queue above Masters,” Scarra said. “I do not give a shit about competitive integrity. As a person that originally wanted to keep solo queue solo years ago, it is not worth it.”

a creepy fire head baby or something idk i don't know league of legends

Scarra added how tough it is to play solo queue in the higher ranking, underlining that duo queue would make it much better and more enjoyable. He even promised he’d return to League if Riot were to re-enable duo queue above Master ranking.

The idea of saving the North American League scene is currently the hottest topic among the community after the turmoil with LCSPA players’ walkout and the 2023 LCS Summer Split being postponed as a result. The walkout vote was passed on May 28 following Riot’s change in rules regarding NA Challenger League. With the tweak to the rulebook, LCS organizations no longer needed to field NACL teams, and quickly after several orgs dropped their NACL rosters.

The walkout was most likely going to take place on June 1 when the Summer Split was scheduled to start. The split, though, was postponed on May 30 by two weeks, with the threat of being canceled currently up in the air.

Since then, both LCSPA and Riot begun having daily talks about the future of the scene. There have been no details shared in the few last days, however.