As we all know, in recent years, Apple has become one of the most expensive companies in the world and has not been around for a long time. But lately, things have changed, with companies releasing their latest quarterly financial reports, leaving Apple in second place and Microsoft taking over.

Make no mistake, since last Friday, Microsoft has become the most expensive company in the world, dropping Apple to second place. However, the gap between the two companies is not much, in fact, Microsoft ranked No. 1, worth a total of $ 2.49 trillion, while Apple is worth $ 2.46 trillion.

This is not the first time that Microsoft has overtaken Apple as the most expensive company in the world. In 2020, he did the same thing again, but not long after that position was taken back by Apple.

However, from Friday until now, Microsoft continues to stand on top and the price figures have not changed much. The reason for Apple’s fall in price is said to be that the company lost $ 6 billion due to supply chain problems, while Microsoft’s success was soaring from the product. Office, Windows and their cloud services.