Microsoft has officially announced that it will end Windows 10 support for Internet Explorer from June 15, 2022. So this is the day that Microsoft’s setting has arrived, so those who still use Internet Explorer may consider another browser.

This news does not mean that Windows 10 users will no longer be able to use Internet Explorer, and when you open this browser, it will switch to Microsoft Edge instead. Therefore, for those who want to use Microsoft browser now is only the Edge option, or otherwise you can consider other popular browsers such as Chrome or Monzilla Firefox.

Since last year, when Microsoft started to end the life of Internet Explorer, it has been confirmed that the future of this browser is Edge, as it is not only faster but also more secure as well as providing a more browsing experience. More modern, too.

Internet Explorer was first announced in Windows 95 and was the most successful of all browsers. IE accounted for 95% of all users in 2003.