Players under the age of 18 can now play only three hours a week, which is why so many players under the age of 18 are listed in
League of Legends has been removed from the respective roster. As of September 2, 31 players have been eliminated from their squad.

Here are the names of the LDL Players that have been removed:

Top laners:
Fangyuan (Young Miracles)
Flying (Young Miracles)
Luuuck (ThunderTalk Young)
Xgao (ThunderTalk Young)
Acheng (LGD Young)
Neny (IG Young)
YSKM (IG Young)
xiaoyu (EDG Young)
Yu (Rare Atom Period)

naiyou (TES Challenger)
xiaofang (TES Challenger)
xiaohuangren (ThunderTalk Young)
Starry (Oh My Dream)
Tianzhen (IG Young)
PeiLin (All Combo)

Mid laners:

Wangxiao (TES Challenger)
Erha (LNG Academy)
Care (FPX Blaze)
0909 (EDG Young)

Bot laners:
Fantasy (Ultra Prime Academy)
JiaQi (TES Challenger)
Assum (Suning S)
itt (Shu Dai Xiong)
Zap (Royal Club)
zybo (Oh My Dream)
1xn (Joy Dream)
GeGuoWei (All Combo)

Niket (TES Challenger)
Baiyu (IG Young)
MengYu (All combo)